0cf8612b2e1e 2 days ago

Does this mean the plans to sequester carbon in biomass dumped into the ocean will not work? Or would be significantly less effective than hoped?

  • pfdietz a day ago

    Who was planning to dump biomass in the ocean?

    In any case, CO2 injected into the deep ocean is still pretty much sequestered.

    • xhevahir a day ago

      Seaweed farms. The seaweed would fall to the ocean floor, where some hope it could sequester lots of carbon.

      • pfdietz a day ago

        That wouldn't be buried, so I don't think there was any hope it wouldn't be eaten and oxidized. So the plan there was always to use the biomass as a CO2 pump, not as a means to sequester reduced carbon in sediment.

        • human_person 10 hours ago

          It depends where it’s dumped. I think a lot of people are looking into dumping it into high salinity anoxic basins based on finding carbon with a long residence time there.