dcminter 7 days ago

Someone will be along in a minute to tell you to watch Micro Men, an amusing and fairly accurate BBC dramatization of the Sinclair/Acorn rivalry :) but I'm here to recommend that you watch the Computer History Museum's interview with Hermann Hauser the erstwhile director of Acorn - he's very charming: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0sC3lT313Q

I'm fairly sure they've got one with Chris Curry too, but I can't spot it just now.

  • xyzzy3000 7 days ago

    It's an entertaining watch, although a fair bit of dramatic licence is taken when depicting various anecdotes that would be well-known to readers of The Micro User and similar magazines of the time.

    • dboreham 7 days ago

      I had high hopes that the depiction of Uncle Clive's groupie encounter was entirely accurate.

      • xyzzy3000 7 days ago

        Apparently the pub altercation wasn't far off.

amiga386 7 days ago

Ah, the delights of a page that covers 26 years of history and hasn't been updated for 21 years

I can at least say that in the meantime, RISC OS is still alive and now open, available from https://www.riscosopen.org/, and most people will know the ARM company and its architectures went from strength to strength, even if the RISC PC faded away.

  • dcminter 7 days ago

    Some time when I have some spare time I must fish out a Pi and try it out - I was deeply envious of the Archimedes owner I knew back in the day!

    • xyzzy3000 7 days ago

      I'm not sure what the state of Pi 5 support is, but RISC OS seems to work on the Pi 1, 2, 3 and 4.

      ArcEm is a decent emulator for the Archimedes series, and RPCem is the equivalent for the RiscPC which succeeded it. OS ROM images are available from a variety of places.

      For floppy disk emulation, ADFFS is what you are looking for, and some games have been released in this format with the consent of the copyright holders.

      • jlarcombe 7 days ago

        Don't think Pi 5 can run 'supervisor code' (in old ARM language) in 32-bit mode, so RISC OS surely won't run. The bulk of it is written in assembler so reworking it to AArch64 would be an epic task. Probably take no longer to rewrite those bits in a higher-level language, for much of it.

        • skissane 7 days ago

          DEC had a similar problem when porting VMS from VAX to Alpha - significant chunks of it were written in VAX assembly.

          They came up with a rather ingenious solution - a compiler from VAX assembly to Alpha. And that was carried forward into the Itanium and now x86-64 ports, so even latest OpenVMS for x86-64 still contains some VAX assembly code, but it is compiled into LLVM IR and then the LLVM backend converts it to x86-64 ELF binaries.

          No reason in principle why someone could not do the same thing with the 32-bit ARM assembly code in RISC OS. Likely would be easier than rewriting it all in a high-level language

          • eftpotrm 7 days ago

            HP did the same when migrating away from the PA RISC architecture.

            IIRC as part of their testing they set it up so it would ingest, recompile and output code for the same architecture, and found that it could produce speed improvements due to context awareness.

          • chasil 7 days ago

            IIRC there was "macro32" which could compile VAX machine code to Alpha, and also VEST, which was a virtual machine.

            I've used neither.

            • skissane 7 days ago

              Yes “MACRO-32” [0] is what I’m talking about and is still around - from Alpha it was ported to Itanium and now x86-64. Although to clarify, my understanding is it doesn’t take machine code as input, rather macro assembler source code - although I suppose you could use a disassembler to turn your VAX binary into assembler source and then try compiling it with MACRO-32.

              VEST wasn’t actually a VM per se, it was a static binary translator - read in an OpenVMS VAX executable, write out an OpenVMS Alpha executable. VEST was only ever available for Alpha, but HP then created AEST which could do the same thing to translate Alpha executables to Itanium-and you could use VEST then AEST in sequence to port a VAX executable to Itanium.

              However, VSI have said they have no plans to create an “IEST” to port Itanium executables to x86-64. I believe they face two big difficulties: (a) Itanium is a very complex and non-traditional architecture which makes binary translating it more of a challenge than it would be for a more mainstream architecture (b) legal risk due to aspects of it being covered by Intel patents (and unclear if Intel would license those patents on terms which would make an “IEST” commercially viable)

              [0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAX_MACRO

            • sillywalk 6 days ago

              Tandem used something similar called The Accelerator to translate binaries from their proprietary CISC chips to MIPS, including parts of the NonStop operating system.

              See Tandem Systems Review, Volume 8 Number 1 - Spring 1992

        • lproven 7 days ago

          > Don't think Pi 5 can run 'supervisor code' (in old ARM language) in 32-bit mode, so RISC OS surely won't run.

          The RISC OS folks are well aware of the issue.

          There are discussions about what to do underway.

          One idea that I sort of like is a tiny sort of hypervisor in Arm64 code, that runs an Arm32 "VM". Then RISC OS executes in the VM.

          It's not fully native, no, but with the speeds involved, it would be usable.

          There is a lot of prior art for this approach:

          1. RISC OS already faced a 24-bit to 32-bit migration, and one bit of the legacy of that is an emulator for running 24-bit RISC OS apps on 32-bit RISC OS, called Aemulor.


          2. There is of course a whole industry running x86 PC emulators on x86 PCs. The one that started it is called VMware and it did quite well.

          But others copied it: e.g. Connectix ported VirtualPC from Classic PowerPC MacOS to Windows. I interviewed the company's founder and chief scientist Jonathan Garber.


          At that time, x86 didn't do hardware virtualisation. So, VMware just used a software emulation for ring 0 code. Garber told me that once he saw how VMware did it, he realised Connectix could do that, too. He then told that it was much easier than running x86 code on PowerPC. With a grin he said that it was not only easier, the performance was excellent: the instruction sets were a _really_ close match. ;-) So the emulator was very nearly achieving 1:1 code density: one instruction for one emulated operation.

          3. When Apple moved Classic MacOS from 680x0 to PowerPC, it did it using a tiny "nanokernel" containing a 68K-to-POWER ISA emulator.


          • jlarcombe 7 days ago

            yes, surely a good approach, and as you say the performance is likely to be fine given the vast increase in raw speed since the old days...

tonyedgecombe 7 days ago

My first computer was an Acorn System One. I spent a summer picking fruit at an orchard to pay for it.

1k of RAM, 512 bytes of ROM, a seven segment calculator display and hex keyboard.

I spent hours hand assembling 6502 code for it. I even created a stack based language for it in an attempt to teach my younger brother how to program.

jefc1111 7 days ago

For me, all this ... computer life stuff ... started with an Acorn Electron around 40 years ago. At first it was just fun, and then I played Elite and it feels like a lot of my future was defined in that experience.

  • aardvark179 7 days ago

    That’s how I started as well. Much nicer to program than the spectrum, and taught me about parsing in the worst way when I discovered my text adventure couldn’t have a variable called torch because it was. Parsed as to rch.

  • simonjgreen 7 days ago

    Ditto. Electron and Elite with a voltmace joystick that (memory may be hazy) had like 20 buttons on it was mind blowing to child me.

  • tolien 7 days ago

    Same, and now I'm still playing Elite but just with slightly better graphics :-D

geye1234 7 days ago

A wonderful snapshot of the 90s web. The entirely unaffected tone, the lack of self-consciousness, the random content, the humor, the joke lists, everything. We've lost a lot.

The marginalia search engine is very good at finding this kind of site, btw.

callumprentice 7 days ago

I purchased an Acorn Atom in 1980 (the prebuilt one - a friend opted for the self-assembly and regretted it) and I still remember the thrill of setting it up and turning it on for the first time. It feels like I didn't sleep for a week but I suppose I must have.

When you entered a line of their BASIC, it would check the line for errors. At one point, I kept getting error XX (I don't recall the actual number) and couldn't see the error in my code. Eventually figured out it meant I was out of RAM. There was only 2K and I think the 6502 took some and the screen too so there was only about 500 bytes left over. What a joy it was after I saved up for the 6K upgrade.

And then there was the local computer club presentation that ruined any chance of a public speaking career.... :)

  • andrehacker 7 days ago

    O man, good times. I remember soldering RAM chips "piggyback" style, then upgrading to 64K of RAM, and adding 8 special-purpose ROMs (from utilities to a spreadsheet program). I even installed a color video board— all of this inside the Acorn Atom itself (which was a keyboard-style computer, similar to the C64).

    The Atom also brought together a community of hardware and software enthusiasts through Atom Computer Clubs. These clubs were doing amazing things, including the development of Z80 co-processors and even running CP/M. While Acorn moved on from the Atom to the BBC Microcomputer, the clubs kept the Atom alive well beyond its prime.

    It’s fascinating to look back and realize that the same team behind the Atom went on to create the ARM processor, which, interestingly, shares a striking similarity in its instruction set with the 6502.

    • chasil 7 days ago

      Do you have more details on the striking silarity?

      All the wiki mentions is optimized memory usage.

      • andrehacker 7 days ago

        Sophie Wilson (the designer of the original ARM instruction set) said this when asked which CPU architecture she admired:

        Sophie Wilson, chief architect of ARM and more recently of the Broadcom FirePath October, 2001

        Primarily the 6502. I learned about pipelines from it (by comparison with the 6800) and its designers were clear believers in the KISS principle. Plus the syntax of its assembler and general accessibility of it from the machine code perspective. I can still write in hex for it - things like A9 (LDA #) are tattoed on the inside of my skull. The assembly language syntax (but obviously not the mnemonics or the way you write code) and general feel of things are inspirations for ARM's assembly language and also for FirePath's. I'd hesitate to say that the actual design of the 6502 inspired anything in particular - both ARM and FirePath come from that mysterious ideas pool which we can't really define (its hard to believe that ARM was designed just from using the 6502, 16032 and reading the original Berkeley RISC I paper - ARM seems to have not much in common with any of them!). And clearly the 6502's follow-up, the 65816, wasn't "clean" any more, so whichever of Mensch and Moore contributed what to the 6502, Mensch by himself was a bit at sea.

        Biggest object lesson was, however, National Semiconductor's 32016 (aka 16032): this showed how to completely make a mess of things. The 32016 first exposed the value of memory bandwidth to Steve Furber and I, showed how making things over-complex led to exceedingly long implementation times with loads of bugs in the implementation, and showed that however hard you tried to approach what compiler writers claimed they wanted, you couldn't satisfy them (no, I never did use a VAX). And an 8MHz 32016 was completely trounced in performance terms by a 4MHz 6502...


        details of the thinking process of evolving from 6502 to ARM in this interview.


        And, yes, striking similarity is not the best way to say it.

      • lproven 7 days ago
        • ajb 7 days ago

          That first reply (in the quora link) is a bit too dismissive

          A lot of the instruction names are the same, but the apparent similarity becomes less once your start using them. Using the same names was probably very convenient given that Acorn's previous computers used the 6502, and it would have helped the programmers who need to transition.

          But the machine was quite different to program, and the Arm made more innovations than just being a 6502 with more registers. Every instruction being potentially conditional, and every instruction being able to make use of the barrel shifter, were both quite radical at the time and contributed a lot to the density of code in those machines (although they are inconvenient to out-of-order microarchitectures, so have been dropped from V8)

    • callumprentice 7 days ago

      Good grief - 64K - what on earth did you do with all that storage :)

  • roywashere 7 days ago

    I bought an Atom second-hand, it was my first 'own' computer. My father first had a TRS-80 model III and then an IBM clone XT. So the Atom was definitely less capable, but it was my own. I read all the accompanying manuals front to back and I read the computer magazines that came with it and this is how I learned English. I was 9 years old at that point. It came with schematics and of course I opened the case. I could not get the thing to load or save data on my dad's tape recorder. And it was only so much fun trying to type in a program from a listing which I could not save, especially taking into account my limited typing skills at the time and the fact that I had to do this while the Atom was attached to the TV in the living room. Still, it was a worth wile and forming experience and surely worth my pocket money.

    Later on in life, end of 90s, I was re-wiring the building of my students union, with a friend. Many amps main board, 380 volts, 40 circuits or so, kind of big install. We had to create plans and supply them to get approval from the city or the utility company or the architect or such. For this we used the Archimedes of some guy that helped us. At this point the Archimedes definitely was dead as a platform, Windows 98 was just out. But it was still possible to use it to create drawings and schematics and quite capable.

    • callumprentice 7 days ago

      Nice. I felt the same way - read that book from cover to cover many times.

      I could never afford a BBC Micro when that came out and certainly not the Archimedes but I always admired from afar.

  • ochrist 5 days ago

    I purchased an Acorn Atom from a guy, who assembled one himself. He also helped me upgrade to 12K RAM. Later I got a couple of joysticks, a dot matrix printer and a colour/color card.

    It was great, but I soon got hold of a second hand BBC B a couple of years later, and then I was sold.

    I eventually got an Archimedes 440 that I used for many years.

sammyteee 7 days ago

A good read!

I like that all the sites linked in the banner, no longer exist! https://www.mcmordie.co.uk/public/apeople.shtml

  • II2II 7 days ago

    There are plenty of links on other pages that lead to functional websites of various vintages (the keyword being vintage). Just go to https://www.mcmordie.co.uk/ and start exploring.

  • xyzzy3000 7 days ago

    I particularly liked the tiling background, which may well have been created using Texture Garden https://texturegarden.com/ by Tim Tyler (of Repton fame, for the BBC Micro fans)

simonjgreen 7 days ago

A nice note of recognition of the contribution of the Acorn made BBC Micro model A and B to millions is that the Raspberry Pi Model A and B were named in honour of them.

owlbite 7 days ago

Our first family computer was an A3000. I'm still amazed at the boot time on it compared to the PCs we had later (even today). Switch it on, beep and then almost instantly you're in a responsive GUI. (The wonders of storing the OS in a ROM I guess).

Lio 7 days ago

So much history here for me.

One landmark buried in there was the ARM 250 chip based machines.

I think they were some of the first system on a chip desktop computers.

They lacked the glamour of the Arm 3 based machines launched around the same time but really they were ground breaking.

  • xyzzy3000 7 days ago

    I think it was possibly the first to go into a desktop computer.

    ARM250 datasheet here: https://home.marutan.net/arcemdocs/ARM250.pdf

    For Acorn, this chip really helped to bring costs down for the A30x0/A4000 machines - the Electron of the Archimedes era. The RiscPC equivalent was the A7000/A7000+ with the ARM7500/ARM7500FE, the FE being novel for the inclusion of the FPU which ARMs had traditionally not included.

    • Lio 6 days ago

      The A7000s sort of passed me by as I had a RiscPC at the time (which predicatably I really regret selling).

      I always wanted an FPU for my RiscPC, do you know how much difference they made day to day?

      • xyzzy3000 5 days ago

        The ARM7500FE is considerably slower (in terms of clock speed) than a StrongARM, but the FPU apparently makes StarFighter 3000 run very well.

        StrongARM with an FPU would have been incredible, however no FPU option exists for the RiscPC. There was a commercial software package that would allow the FP capabilities of the 486/586 copro to be used from RISC OS, but I'm not sure how effective it was.

Lio 6 days ago

One small error I've noticed on the Phoebe page, the man who killed Acorn was a guy called Stan Boland not Sam Boland.

I leave someone with better knowledge to tell that one but it's a pretty sad story.

junto 7 days ago

My first computer was an Acorn BBC B Microcomputer. This brings back very fond memories of playing Repton and Elite and having to wait for the tape cassette to load the games.

  • xyzzy3000 7 days ago

    Both Ian Bell (Elite) and Tim Tyler (Repton) have fascinating websites of their own. Elite is there for download alongside a treasure trove of historical information, and Tim has a successor to Repton, 'Rockz', which expands on a lot of the concepts in interesting ways.



westi 7 days ago

Some great memories here.

Somewhere in my parents attic is my RISC PC 600 and 486 Co-Processor card. Not sure if they also have the A3000 we had before that.

  • xyzzy3000 7 days ago

    If possible, get the batteries removed from the motherboards - the leaks cause immense damage.

    Rechargeable AA batteries in a battery holder are a sensible replacement.

    If the hard drive has packed in then a SD to IDE/PATA adapter is available.

  • simonjgreen 7 days ago

    My secondary school was full of these in the computer labs. Great bits of kit :) The dual boot between architectures blew my mind at the time, and frankly is still pretty extraordinary. And unlike most boxes of the time, they even looked good!

johnflan 6 days ago

I started with an Acorn a3020, those machines were just amazing. I got my first PC shortly after running Windows for workgroups 3.11 jeez it felt like a step backwards. If Acorn started in the Silicon Valley, we'd probably be using them today.

draazon 7 days ago

If the page author is reading this: hello Rob!