Perhaps the obese married men would have died of obesity-related issues had they not been married, but something attributable to their being married made them 3x more likely to survive.
This is Poland. It is customary for Slavic women to intentionally overfeed their men so they are less attractive to other women, to increase the chances of keeping the marriage/somewhat limiting the imbalance that naturally develops as the couple ages. They don't think of it, it's imprinted by their mothers since childhood.
The study looked at 2,405 people. They were aged 50 on average and 35.3 per cent had normal weight, 38.3 per cent were overweight, and 26.4 per cent were obese.
I sensing a big advertising campaign for those dangerous fat reducing drugs for those fat married men in their 50's
Couldn't this also be survivorship bias?
Perhaps the obese married men would have died of obesity-related issues had they not been married, but something attributable to their being married made them 3x more likely to survive.
I don't think mortality is such a big factor under 65-70yo.
I wonder if the study adjust for age. I.e. the fittest young cohort should also be married to a lesser degree.
Obesity is correlated with amount of xmas dinners eaten.
It seems to be a study of married men in Poland, not of men in general. So the results may not be valid outside of Poland.
As opposed to studies in the US, which are of course applicable universally.
Well, more generally to HN readers.
This is Poland. It is customary for Slavic women to intentionally overfeed their men so they are less attractive to other women, to increase the chances of keeping the marriage/somewhat limiting the imbalance that naturally develops as the couple ages. They don't think of it, it's imprinted by their mothers since childhood.
"three time more likely"
The study looked at 2,405 people. They were aged 50 on average and 35.3 per cent had normal weight, 38.3 per cent were overweight, and 26.4 per cent were obese.
I sensing a big advertising campaign for those dangerous fat reducing drugs for those fat married men in their 50's