wutwutwat 4 days ago

A lot of folks accepting image uploads don't realize they need to remove the exif data from the images, as that often leaks gps coordinates if they were taken using a cell phone. With imagemagick, you can use the `-strip` flag[0] when processing the images to remove that info.

[0] https://imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#stri...

  • kristianp 4 days ago

    It's shame all exif info is stripped. I like to see the camera info, such as focal length, aperture and what lens too for interchangeable lens cameras.

  • al_borland 4 days ago

    A responsible site will strip this on the user’s behalf, but no one should rely on that.

    If I want to be lazy about it and quality doesn’t matter, I’ll take a screenshot as a quick way to strip EXIF data, the location being the key piece I want gone.

    • wutwutwat 3 days ago

      I don't grant my camera app location permissions, so the images are never tagged with gps in the first place, but I also will screen shot pictures before sending them anywhere.

  • jmkni 4 days ago

    IIRC This is how John McAfee's location was leaked when he was on the run, a Vice reporter took a selfie with him and uploaded it to the website without stripping the EXIF data

hideload a day ago

The extension looks native to the system in the screenshot which is impressive. It might be helpful for some users if file size and type are added to the list.

  • ternera a day ago

    I'll consider adding that, thanks!

2Gkashmiri 4 days ago

Firefox version please. Dont help chrome only future

  • ternera 2 days ago

    This is something I plan to do eventually! I use a Chromium-based browser on a day-to-day basis, so that was what I wanted to tackle first.